Mar-25 Mar-26 Number of estimates
Adjusted profit £m 104.5 107.9 11
EPRA EPS pence 3.5 3.6 12
Dividend per share pence 3.3 3.4 12
NTA per share pence 50.3 52.2 12


Last updated 2 July 2024
These forecasts only include analyst estimates that have been updated in the last 9 months.

Barclays* (Kanad Mitra), Berenberg (Miranda Cockburn), Deutsche Bank (Max Nimmo), HSBC* (Steve Bramley-Jackson), Jefferies (Mike Prew), Kempen (Alex Kolsteren), Kolytics (Callum Marley), Liberum (Bjorn Zietsman), Morgan Stanley (Ana Escalante), Panmure (Charlotte Adolpho), Peel Hunt (James Carswell), Shore Capital (Andrew Saunders), Stifel* (John Cahill)

* indicates Assura plc corporate broker        

This analysis is a collation of forecasts which have been provided to us by registered investment analysts and calculated using a simple average (mean). Assura has not endorsed or commented on any individual forecasts, nor do we intend to do so in future. The circulation of the consensus does not provide or imply any check on, or endorsement of, the analysts' forecasts by Assura and has been provided for information purposes only

It should be noted that forecasts are by definition forward looking and are therefore subject to risks and uncertainties that may materially affect eventual results. Neither Assura nor any director, officer or employee of Assura accepts any responsibility for the accuracy of the forecasts used in this analysis and therefore shall have no liability whatsoever for the consequences of any reliance or actions taken or not taken based on any of the information in the analysis. Nothing in this analysis should be taken as a recommendation to buy or sell shares in Assura or to take any other action or place any reliance on the analysis, and individuals making an investment decision should seek appropriate investment advice.

Although we will endeavour to keep this information updated, we assume no obligation to update or revise such information to reflect circumstances existing after the date hereof. For all questions relating to consensus, please contact David Purcell ([email protected]).